Running and Business as Usual

Running and Business as Usual

By Steven Orpwood, Business Analyst and DPO

March 2020


I’m finding running a tad utilitarian at the moment, and although I live in London and many might consider such a location unsuitable for an enjoyable outdoors experience, the current COVID-19 lockdown means I’m using the same well-trodden paths to avoid other people, so I’m missing many parks and interesting London vistas.


Being a Privacy Consultant, I’m struck by the similarity between my running and business in the current situation. People are confined, businesses are struggling to find new opportunities, and generally, it’s a case of maintaining a level of work that pays the bills, or running to maintain fitness.


However, within this situation, there is possibility, and although there may be fewer external opportunities, that does not mean we cannot improve internally, and use the time we’re not spending with clients, on making our BAU processes more efficient.


At the moment we’re not racing, be that running, or bringing in new business, but we can consider what is important to our future growth, and focus on the things that ordinarily we forget because they don’t seem to add value. This isn’t a recipe for survival if you have no clients, but it is a plea to us all to remember that there is possibility and we can all do something to improve what we have; it just takes a little imagination.