By Steven Orpwood
August 2024
The Johari window is a framework, designed to give a person an insight into their conscious and unconscious biases. It imagines your mind as a house with four rooms.
The first room has two windows, meaning you and another can see what’s going on in the room, that is, your traits such as strengths, quirks and talents, are visible to both parties.
The second and third rooms have only one window each; one allowing you to see something about yourself which others can’t (the façade you present to the world), and the other allowing others to see something about you that you yourself do not see (your blind spots).
Finally, there’s a fourth room which has no windows, meaning neither you, nor anyone else has any idea what’s hidden within.
When we unleash an AI tool on our organisational data, we assume it will find what we want and report it back or use it to generate new content. Often, the results are lacklustre, but at least we can console ourselves with the thought that it’s given us a starting point, from which we can adapt or create our own content. In a worst-case scenario though the results can be wrong, which can be a serious problem.
Using the concept of Johari windows, and without applying any strategy, AI sees everything, even the data we would normally intentionally ignore (like the third Johari window). This means that AI learns from it all, including the hidden bits, the bits we have no idea about, and it is therefore no surprise we get unexpected results.
At Aim, we understand that any AI strategy needs to be built on solid foundations. Our data governance platform, dataBelt®, indexes and classifies, cleanses, and orders all your data, even the data you’re unaware of. For us, data is a potential source of useful insights, and is a monetary asset, but it can only be used appropriately if it is organised and understood. Hence in Johari terms we open the windows onto all your data, so that you can see exactly what you have, and what should, and should not, be accessible to different parties. Meaning the conclusions drawn by AI tools are an accurate reflection of reality, meet optimal security requirements, and fit with your expectations.
Contact us to find out more.